We are 15% to 20% less cost than all competitors.
Call Kapp Surgical for pricing. This product is available for CONSIGNMENT INVENTORY.
800-282-KAPP (5277)The MICHLER® Heart Vent Catheter is a soft balloon-tipped catheter. It can be inserted through the open left atrium during mitral valve surgery or through the right superior pulmonary vein on the beating heart and across the mitral valve into the left ventricle. Uniquely, the device is securely positioned and maintained in the LV by inflating a soft positioning balloon against the mitral annulus/valve. The soft balloon will inflate in the left ventricle, keeping the catheter tip below the mitral valve to ensure drainage of air, blood, and debris from the left atrium and left ventricle.
Tissue retractors specially designed for reconstructive Rearfoot, ankle and lower leg surgery. Available in two Sizes: Small – 210mm x 38mm & 22mm and Large – 216mm x 42mm & 27mm
These CVT Surgical Clamps are ideally suited for clamping of arteries located in the depths and superficial vessels of the surgical field. The double angulation of the clamp permits placement of its handle to one side, allowing an unobstructed view of the operative field. The instrument is manufactured in pairs, each being the mirror image of the other, for use to one side or the other, depending upon the circumstance. The large Adult Renal Clamp (Angled Clamp) is designed to control the common iliac artery, the external of internal iliac arteries during surgery for abdominal aortic aneurysmectomy of for aorto-iliac occlusive disease. It can also be used for controlling the distal external iliac artery during aorto-bi-drmoral bypass procedures, femoral-popliteal reconstruction, profundaplasties, or femoral embolectromies.
These CVT Surgical Clamps are ideally suited for clamping of arteries located in the depths and superficial vessels of the surgical field. The double angulation of the clamp permits placement of its handle to one side, allowing an unobstructed view of the operative field. The instrument is manufactured in pairs, each being the mirror image of the other, for use to one side or the other, depending upon the circumstance. The small Baby Renal Clamp (Angled Clamp) is designed to control the common carotid arteries during carotid endarterectomies: for the control of brachial artery during thrombectomy and /or repair following cardiac catheterization, and for profunda femoris artery control during femoral artery procedures.
Approved For Patient Match & Off The Shelf Consignment.
For use of the radial head prosthesis including radial head fractures not amenable to fixation, radiocapitellar arthropathy due to degeneration or malunion of a radial head fracture, complex fracture dislocation of the elbow with loss of radial head support and Essex-Lopresti fracture-dislocation with loss of the radial head, rupture of the interosseous membrane and disruption of the distal radioulnar joint. In these cases, Landsman and Seitz have shown silastic to be inadequate, metallic replacement to be stable and biologic reconstruction to be promising but unproven and with the potential for high degree of complications. The “off-the-shelf” prosthesis which are available are relatively few and are extremely expensive. What the surgeon finds is that the limited available sizes fit no particular anatomy perfectly. In general one size fits a limited few patients correctly, but will not fit all patients. The question which must be asked is why not provide a custom prosthesis which is easy to insert and provides a degree of stability necessary for these complex injuries.
This instrument is a unique heart retractor designed and proven specifically for heart valve surgery. It provides exceptional and consistent exposure of the right and left atrium, tricuspid and mitral valve for surgical repair or replacement, while reducing the need for surgical assistance. This retractor system provides the surgeon with the greatest visualization of the operative field.
The Gillinov – Maze Retractor is the preferred attachment used with a self-retaining mitral retractor such as the Cosgrove Mitral Heart Retractor.
A unique retractor with attachable, self-retaining atrial and ventricular retractor blades that provide excellent and consistent exposure of all heart chamber during heart valve replacement of congenital heart defect surgery. The RosenkranzTM Pediatric Open Heart Retractor also enhances visualization of the intra cardiac anatomy.
Versatile components are easily positioned of removed from the sternal retractor during any portion of the procedure Universally adjustable retractor blades accommodate any anatomical situation for greater visualization while reducing the need for surgical assistance For excellent and consistent heart valve exposure, the RosenkranzTM Pediatric Open Heart Retractor set the standard for pediatric and small child use.
Kapp Surgical has given the surgeon a choice of a sophisticated MID-CABG reusable retractor, and / or an attachment to be used on a Cosgrove® Retractor for a sternum approach. Also, other universal attachments can be used on existing spreader retractors. Kapp surgical has co-designed the Cosgrove® Mitral Valve Retractor along with Dr. Delos M. Cosgrove III. More recently, Kapp Surgical developed a permanent, durable, reusable Minimum Invasion Heart Retractor with the input of Dr. Alex Zapolanski of Seton Medical Center in San Francisco and the help of two prominent heart surgeons from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio.
Patrick McCarthy, MD, Chief of Cardiac Services, Northwestern Memorial Hospital designed the McCarthy Full Sternotomy Retractor in conjunction with Kapp Surgical Instrument Inc. This self-retaining retractor was designed to provide excellent exposure for a variety of valve operations, Maze procedure, or other intra cardiac procedures. It can also be used for full sternotomy or coronary artery bypass operations of for full sternotomy procedures depending upon the patient’s size. The removable lift attachment allows for better exposure for valve procedures.
Patrick McCarthy, MD, Chief of Cardiac Services, Northwestern Memorial Hospital designed the McCarthy Full Sternotomy Retractor in conjunction with Kapp Surgical Instrument Inc. This self-retaining retractor was designed to provide excellent exposure for a variety of valve operations, Maze procedure, or other intra cardiac procedures. It can also be used for full sternotomy or coronary artery bypass operations.
Efficacy – eliminates the LA appendage as locus for clot formation in patients with atrial fibrillation – removes the necessity for and risks of routine anticoagulation for a-fib. May be used prophylactically during any cardiac procedure where there is access to the LA appendage for those patients not yet in a-fib to eliminate future need for anticoagulation should a-fib develop. Ease of use – placed in ideal location at the base of the LA appendage during routine open heart surgery without adding significantly to length of operation – applied in under five minutes. One piece construction of a surgically approved metal alloy. Atraumatic design without teeth to eliminate bleeding. Sewing cuff surrounding the clamp allows anchoring sutures to be placed anywhere along cuff for secure placement in each patient. Multiple sizes to accommodate varied anatomy. Elimination of flow into LA appendage, easily documented during routine intraoperative TEE (transesophageal echo). Clamp is detectable on routine CXR.
Dr. Delos Cosgrove®, III has recently added two new angled, narrow, wire basket blades in addition to the original retractor blades for better surgical exposure. These angled blades are manufactured in a left and right design much like the Gillinov retractor blades for the Maze procedure. Unlike the Gillinov/Maze retractor blade, the Cosgrove® angled wire basket blades have a shallower depth for better mitral valve exposure (see side below).
Rigid Universal Stabilizer (Malleable), Suction & Adjustable Stabilizers, Flexible Universal Stabilizers.
Dr. Victor Fazio, Chairman of the Colorectal Department at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, originally designed and endorses these dilator / Bougies. The Bougies are made of a surgically approved, latex free, rubber material, with a consistency from flexible to firm, and are hollow. They are 13 inches long and vary in diameter sizes from 9mm to 32mm.
These “no scalpel” Vasectomy instruments are designed to simplify the operation by eliminating the scalpel. The forcep, a sharp point and curved instrument is designed to puncture the scrotal sac, pierce the vas where it is then secure by the Fixation Ring Clamp. Then the vas is clipped and divided. The I.D. of the eyelet is approximately 3.5mm. These instruments are made of high quality stainless steel and secure lock ratchets with no sharp edges.
After gastric bypass surgery, the bypassed stomach remains permanently inaccessible for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The Schreiber-Kapp Bariatric Ring Marker is intended to be used to radiographically (with X-Ray) mark the site of the “gastropexy” performed during gastric bypass surgery, thereby making it accessible for future diagnostic, therapeutic and feeding purposes.
The SequeiraTM Internal Mammary Artery (IMA) Retractor designed and manufactured by Kapp Surgical Instrument, Inc. specifically for bypass graft surgery.
The KAPP King’s Headrest is used to position the patient’s head during all surgical procedures. During surgery, the headrest can position and stabilize the patient’s head at various angles relative to the configuration of the surgical table.
INDICATIONS: The retractor for transthoracic disc excisions through limited exposure. It also can be used for lumbar laminectomies, and could be adapted for trans-abdominal exposures for cage insertion or other applications.
Surgical instrument organizer keeps tethered instruments from falling on the floor. Sterile, self-adhesive STRIP-T’S holds and organizes all surgical tubes, scopes and instruments when attached to any location on the surgical field. Economical and easy to use.
Kapp Surgical offers a complete line of shoulder instruments. All instruments are custom designed for maximum reliability and strength. They are made of the highest quality stainless steel.
INDICATIONS: One set of 5 soft tissue & bone retractors used to expose the Distal Femur & Proximal tibia to allow precise saw cuts. These stainless steel retractors will protect the Posterior Cruciate ligament and the Medial/Lateral ligaments during the total knee implant surgery.
This sterile, disposable Knee Immobilizer stabilizes the knee for total knee implant reconstruction. It is disposable and is used to keep the knee stable in both flexion and extension position.
The fang is used to hold flexor tendons during tendon repair. Some instruments used in flexor tendon repair “crush” the tendon and can lead to stimulation of the scar response and subsequent adhesion formation, while other instruments that transfix the tendon may not adequately immobilize the tendon ends to be sutured, and make for a difficult and potential traumatic repair. The Fang transfixes the tendon close to the cut ends via two needle size teeth directed in an anterior to posterior direction. This is done without crushing the tendon or stimulating the epitenon and allows well controlled passage of suture into the tendon end, a variety of different suture techniques can be utilized. A stop prevents the fang from closing on the tendon and contacting the epitenon and essentially allows for a “touch-less” technique.
“The Patient Match implant philosophy has the metal conforming to the bone as opposed to the off-the-shelf implant which has the bone surgically altered to meet the metal. The Seitz Solution Implants are individually designed to fit the patient’s anatomic bone structure.” William H. Seitz, Jr., M.D. – Cleveland Orthopedic and Spine Hospital at Lutheran – Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio
These coned Heparin Tips are used to flush saline (Heparin solution) through various sizes fo veins and arteries. The cone design allows the vein/artery to secure itself at the proximal end for maximum infiltration. As shorter length can be manufactured at your request. When ordering please specify short 4” or long 7”. Other sizes and styles are available for special orders.
The Modified Javid Clamps are used to secure various sized shunts (used) during carotid endarterectomy procedures and are manufactured in three sizes with soft rubber inserts. Also, they are designed to close gradually. On the first ratchet the tips remain open approximately 3 to 4 millimeters and close completely on the last ratchet. This new design will prevent damage to the intima of arteries due to the surgeon’s gradual clamping control and rubber inserts.
These CVT Surgical Clamps are ideally suited for clamping of arteries located in the depths and superficial vessels of the surgical field. The double angulation of the clamp permits placement of i9ts handle to one side, allowing an unobstructed view of the operative field. the instrument is manufactured in pairs, each being the mirror image of the other, for use on one side or the other, depending on the circumstance. The Martinez Clamp (Angled clamp) is designed to control the internal, external, and common carotid arteries during carotid endarterectomies: for the control of brachial artery during thrombectomy and/or repair following cardiac catheterizaton, and for profunda femoris artery control during femoral artery procedures.
We have devised a light, strong clamp for use on the distal ascending aorta. Its advantages are that it may be used with “cushioned jaws” or similar padded inserts, and it conforms to the depth of the superior mediastinum. The clamp lies flat against the neck and does not protrude near the operative field.
This Cleveland Clinic designed disjointed aneurysm clamp is used to clamp the aorta at the neck of the aneurysm Vertically for the Humphries clamp and Horizontally for the Beven clamp. The size used will depend on the size fo the aorta. The Humphries clamp is handed to the surgeon with the lock side in the down position, then the other half of the clamp.
Unlike all other Bulldog Clamps, these clamps give the surgeon complete control of the pressure required as needed. The vast range of pressure (from very weak to very strong) allowed by this Bulldog Clamp can be attributed to its unique design and variable spring. These clamps are manufactured straight 1-3/4” and 2-1/4” long, also 2” long with a right angle 1/4” tip if desired.