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Kapp Surgical Instruments, Inc. is a world leading manufacturer of custom designed stainless steel surgical instruments and implants. It is among the fastest growing full service surgical design and supply firms in America. Kapp provides its clientele with precision quality surgical products, surgical implants and efficient service at the lowest possible cost. Please call our experienced staff for additional information or to place an order. 1-800-282-KAPP

Efficacy – eliminates the LA appendage as locus for clot formation in patients with atrial fibrillation – removes the necessity for and risks of routine anticoagulation for a-fib.
Colorectal, Urology, Gynocology 

Dr. Victor Fazio, Chairman of the Colorectal Department at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, originally designed and endorses these dilator / Bougies. The Bougies are made of a surgically approved, latex free, rubber material, with a consistency from flexible to firm, and are hollow. They are 13 inches long and vary in diameter sizes from 9mm to 32mm.
Custom Implants 

Approved For Patient Match & Off The Shelf Consignment.
For use of the radial head prosthesis including radial head fractures not amenable to fixation, radiocapitellar arthropathy due to degeneration or malunion of a radial head fracture, complex fracture dislocation of the elbow with loss of radial head support and Essex-Lopresti fracture-dislocation with loss of the radial head, rupture of the interosseous membrane and disruption of the distal radioulnar joint.
General Surgery, CVT, Thoracic (VATS), ENT, Ortho

INDICATIONS: The retractor for transthoracic disc excisions through limited exposure.
It also can be used for lumbar laminectomies, and could be adapted for trans-abdominal exposures for cage insertion or other applications.
Orthopedic Products

“The Patient Match implant philosophy has the metal conforming to the bone as opposed to the off-the-shelf implant which has the bone surgically altered to meet the metal. The Seitz Solution Implants are individually designed to fit the patient’s anatomic bone structure.” William H. Seitz, Jr., M.D. – Cleveland Orthopedic and Spine Hospital at Lutheran – Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio